Changes Happen…
It was another big year for emerging conversations and realizations in both the abstract and pragmatic realms.
Where will we go from here? Some will go back entirely to business as usual, and that’s fine.
But some have been thinking about changes in perspectives, lifestyles, and maybe even hanging on to the hybrid lifestyle like so many more discovered in 2020, which has actually been growing ever since the internet became accessible.
The internet and its bubbles can be destructive…or elevating, ya know?
2021 was the year…at least for launching the 7th Pie Peace Project. Sounds like a big deal right? Maybe it will be, but our friend Stu just thought 7th Pie Peace was a fun name. We’re still working on the actual name. We know it’s gonna have 7th Pie in it, but we’ll see about the rest. A monthly e-zine is what we’re thinking.
2021 and 2022 probably didn’t turn out like you expected. Same here. So…we first decided to keep writing the story of 2021, calling it 2021’ (prime), like you might remember from school. It’s takes some imagination about perspectives for this, thus Bug Stu with his compound eyes—to get the whole story. We call this INDSTEADAVISION. It’s a kind of “What if…” , a counterfactual, and quasi-fictional, but it helps with perspectives and seeing alternatives.
One of Stu’s stories is introduced in the 60-second trailer below, and it’s going to go back much further than 2021. First to 1920, then to 1819. If you’re new here, this will all start to make more sense after you listen to the trailer : ).
Perspectives are everything, right? Facts don’t mean much without perspective or context. We need perspectives to build up from facts and into meaning. We need perspectives to build anything, even in the physical realm, and maybe that comes next. 2020 and 2021 gave us all some new perspectives to ponder first.
The Pawpaw and The Persimmon trees that hope to start something nice
Where would one start building an actual pilot of the 7th Pie Peace Project as a getaway? Answer: In the middle of nowhere, but close to somewhere.
What should the recipe be? Answer: Follow along as we start this Pie Conversation at The Pie on Medium and/or with weekly emails to go a little deeper. We started regular installments here at our home base on 1/23/22 (National Pie Day, of course). Then we paused the posting, but not the writing behind the scenes. Just what it going to take to turn back the Foes of Flourishing? This 7th Pie Peace Project will help, that’s all we know.
We’re entering the Era of Complexity, so it’s not like your grandma’s recipe card. (And it’s also not like your grandpa’s hippie commune, gross.)
And How should it start? Answer: With a different kind of story, from a different kind of beetle, one that sees in INDSTEADAVISION. (Sometimes he sees Stralfs.)
These are mostly Stu’s stories. Bug Stu says he’s “A coleoptera without a cause, but not without a reason.” Allie Space-Owl also helps him with perspective. And because they love us humies, they’re writing Stu and Allie’s Love Stories while we imagine a pilot project. (Here’s the beginning of one of the stories.)
The pieces for these getaways have been around for ten years, so now we can think about how to put them together—for ourselves, our kids, theirs, and theirs.
Here’s the trailer that nearly surfaced too late to create a Bright Spot in Indiana, turn back the Stralfs, and save the galaxy—according to Stu.